AP Art History: David-- #69


David by Donatello 

Bio of the work: 
Title: David
Date: circa 1440
Medium: Bronze
Museum: Museo Nazionale de Bargello, Florence

    A master work from the Italian Renaissance (click to learn about this movement), David by Donatello was commissioned by the Medici family (click the link for more about their role in the Renaissance). It is a bronze statue depicting the biblical scene of David after defeating the giant, Goliath. At David's feet lies his head, and David is holding the sword that was used to cut off Goliath's head after he slayed Goliath with the stones. Donatello's depiction of David was unique due to his showing him as the young boy that he was in the Bible. Earlier depictions showed David as his much older self as the king. By depicting him as an immature teen boy, Donatello dramatized the sheer miracle from the Bible. 

"Donatello's David." Italian Renaissance, www.italianrenaissance.org/donatellos-david/. Accessed 27 November 2021.

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