AP Art History: The Calling of Saint Mathew-- #85


The Calling of Saint Mathew by Caravaggio 

       Caravaggio's The Calling of Saint Mathew is a wonderful example of a Baroque piece. Caravaggio includes tenebrism, use of light in a very dramatic and strategic way, (click to learn more about it) and a biblical subject matter. 

Bio of the work: 

Title: The Calling of Saint Mathew
Date: 1599-1600
Medium: oil on canvas
Museum: Contarelli chapel, San Luigi dei Francesci, Rome


    In Caravaggio's biblical scene, Jesus calls Mathew to become an apostle. At this moment, Jesus points his finger a Mathew, emphasized by the strong stream of light flooding in. Saint Mathew points to himself in confusion. Caravaggio depicts Mathew's spiritual awakening through this Baroque masterpiece. Click here to learn more about the Baroque.  

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