Art History Terms to Know: Curation

 Many people do not realize while viewing works of art that lots of effort goes into the display, design, timing, lighting, and sequence of these exhibitions in art galleries and museums. 

    Curation is the act of staging and designing the environment and flow of an exhibition within the space given. In the art world, a curator's job is to create the ideal path of travel and thought throughout an art exhibition. Many people who pursue art history degrees go on to become curators. The architect of the building also contributes to these decisions, but the curator has to work within the parameters of the space. The next time you visit an art gallery, ponder what went into into it. I encourage you to think about the decisions the curator made.

Do you have a favorite gallery? Comment below!


  1. I really love the Sainsbury Wing of the London National Gallery. It draws on the British curatorial tradition exemplified by Soane's Dulwich Picture Gallery above.

    1. I was recently learning about this building! I am also a huge fan! Venturi, the architect of the Sainsbury Wing, has been of great interest to me as well.


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