A Turn in the Road by Paul Cezanne


    Upon first glance, Paul Cezanne's A Turn in the Road seems simple. It is only after the eye is allowed to linger that one only begins to discover the artistry and depth of this work. First the calming, natural color palette puts the eye at ease, and after exploring the path that the title references not only is important to the subject matter but also is path of sorts for the eye. The audience gets to experience this work just as maybe an explorer would this landscape, by taking the bath up the small curvature of the hill and taking in the views of this simple yet seemingly wonderful landscape. Once again, Cezanne crafts a calming landscape made up of just blocks of color. Being a "father of Post-Impressionism", this is no surprise, but that does not take away from it's ability to consume the viewer. Viewing this work is a truly enjoyable experience. “I am progressing very slowly for nature reveals itself to me in very complex forms.”--- Paul Cezanne. 


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