While propaganda art goes back a very long time, an influx of propaganda can be traced back to World War 1. With the cultural climate changing everywhere in the world, many beliefs, ideas, and opinions were circulating. Thus propaganda was born. There was still early propaganda. While propaganda has a political use, it is considered art.
This piece of propaganda was created in 1919 in the United States. During this time there was an influx of immigration coming into the USA for more opportunities. The above piece in specific protests the large amount of European immigrants coming into the country at the time. Here Uncle Sam, a very popular figure for depicting America, is manning a funnel. He is shown filtering out the masses to only allow an allotted amount into the USA, shown in the bottom right of the image. During the time the USA had put quotas into place for immigration. There was much propaganda made during this time surrounding this purpose.

This propaganda image was created around 1952 during the large vaccination of Chinese people. During the time many people from China were getting vaccines due to the bacteria that came along with the combat that China was taking part in at the time. Much of China was convinced that Americans were intentionally adding bacteria to their weaponry to infect many Chinese people. In the top part of the image there is a figure shown staring at what I believe is supposed to be an American. This American is on top of a gun that has flies and rats surrounding it, making it stereotypically "dirty".
This poster is Chinese propaganda in 1950. At the time there was an American commander in Korea, General MacArthur. He is shown stabbing a Korean Mother and baby. Also to the upper left there is a plane dropping a bomb that is labeled US. These bombs are being dropped on Chinese cities while the USA is invading Korea.
This propaganda image depicts the Chairman Mao en route to Anyuan. Mao is shown foraging across the land, noble and kind. This image was meant to uphold the cultural revolution in China at the time, a revolution that was lead by Chairman Mao. In this image Mao brings change and resources like electricity to China. He is depicted as a very young man here. Many pieces of propaganda were created in the likeness of Mao.
"Art and Propaganda." In obo in Art History. 28 Dec. 2020. <https://www.oxfordbibliographies.com/view/document/obo-9780199920105/obo-9780199920105-0110.xml>.
"Closing the Door on Immigration." National Park Service, www.nps.gov/articles/closing-the-door-on-immigration.htm. Accessed 28 Dec. 2020.
"51 Powerful Propaganda Posters and the People Behind." Smashing Magazine, www.smashingmagazine.com/2010/06/100-years-of-propaganda-the-good-the-bad-and-the-ugly/.
What do you think about propaganda? Which is your favorite story? Comment below!
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