Art Lovers' Holiday Gift Guide 2020

     With the holidays quickly approaching, the time has come to start thinking about giving the perfect gifts to everyone. Do you have an art lover on your list? If so here are some perfect gifts that they are sure to love!! I have split it up into a couple different groups so you can judge what is the best based on who you are buying for! ** Note: It is always a great idea to go to museum websites to find gifts there too. ** All gifts are linked in the title. 


    1. ArtCurious 

    I have mentioned this book before and praised the podcast, but this is truly a perfect gift for people who love reading and learning about art history. I am still reading this book, but to get an understanding of what it is, listen to the ArtCurious Podcast. 

    2. The Museum of Lost Art

    I got this book last Christmas, and I love it so much. It tells a narrative of lots of lost art and how they became this way. It is split into sections; Theft, War, Accident, etc. It is so interesting and I would highly recommend this book. 

    3. 30,000 Years of Art

    30,000 Years of Art is a detailed book going through the years with art. It covers all time periods and all corners of the earth. From Venus of Willendorf to Contemporary art , this book has it all and explains it beautifully. 

Toys for Children:

    This game is so fun. I have posted on Instagram about it. It is a monoploy game, but the properties are pieces of art, the moving tokens are all figures in art, and it is overall so much better than any other game I've ever played. 

    2. Puzzles

    The website linked above offers many options for puzzles. I recently gifted one of these, and they loved it. The website has options including the one shown above, a Water Lilies one, a Van Gogh self- portrait, and more! Such a good gift for an early art lover.

    3.  Architectural Legos

    I know someone who loves these so much. They are a perfect opportunity to teach children about architecture. There are many different buildings available, click the link above.

    I have heard nothing but amazing things about this game. It looks super fun and like a great way to inspire young children to learn about art.

Artworks and Prints

    1. Artsy

    If you are looking for a gift for someone who  has an appreciation for art or a specific art or artist, it is a wonderful idea to get them a print. These prints can be of a specific work. Artsy is a wonderful resource for this. 

    2. Etsy

    Etsy is another wonderful resource for prints and art. Shopping from Etsy is also awesome, because you are supporting small businesses in this time of need. 


Happy Holidays!!!

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