
    During quarantine, many people have been listening to more podcasts than usual. Podcasts are a great way to be entertained or get information. There are so many topics and types of podcasts. I will be naming some of my favorite art history podcasts that I listen to all the time. While there are not lots of art history related podcasts, I have managed to find a few.

   Jennifer Dasel is a curator and the host and writer of this wonderful podcast. I have listened to almost all of the episodes, and I mark my calendar for the next one. Jennifer Dasel flawlessly explores and informs the masses about the works, movements, and artists of art history. While the latest season has ended, her book is coming out on September 17, 2020. Go pre-order it now! Click below to start listening to the first episode.

Instagram: @artcuriouspod

    I have only recently started listening to this wonderful podcast. The host, Tamar Avishia worked at the Museum of Fine Arts Boston as a lecturer. Every episode is oriented around a specific artwork. Tamar Avisha starts each episode by interviewing people around the gallery. Then she goes into the context and specifics of the work. Although I am new to the podcast, I thoroughly enjoy it! Click below to start listening to my favorite episode about John Singer Sargent.

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