AP Art History: Stonehenge-- #8


    An Neolithic wonder to so many or so long, Stonehenge is in Avenbury, Wiltshire, England and is a very popular tourist location. So amid many cheesey- clickbait videos--What is it? A market place? Place of worship? Home? 

Bio of the work: 

Date: 2500-1600 BC
Title: Stonehenge
Medium: Indigenous bluestone and sarsen
Location: Wiltshire, England

     Aside from being one of the most recognizable and famous Neolithic archeological sites, Stonehenge was very revolutionary, showing many signs of early technology. Many stones were fit together in joints and the stones were brought long distances. While there have been many theories around the purpose of Neolithic peoples building this monument, the most accepted one is that of a temple, as the monument is aligned with the sun. Stonehenge is also some of the earliest examples of trilithons, 3 stones together in a post and lintel fashion.  


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