AP Art History: Hunters in the Snow (Winter) -- #83


Hunters in the Snow (Winter) by Pieter Bruegel the Elder

    Pieter Bruegel the Elder (click to learn more in the Zooming In on him) was an important player in and precursor to the Northern Renaissance. He painted everyday scenes and domestic life. Hunters in the Snow is only one in a series of six seasonal paintings.  

Bio of the Work: 

Title: Hunters in the Snow (Winter)
Date: 1565
Medium: Oil paint on wood
Museum: Kunsthistorisches Museum in Vienna, Austria


Pieter Bruegel tried to convey the emotion and actions of the winter and cold through many elements in this painting. Many civilians are skating on the ice in the distance, and a few women are tending a fire to the left of the painting. The main focus of this work is the group of hunters, escorted by dogs that are seemingly exhausted by the cold. While the snow overlays the entire landscape, there is nothing dead about Pieter Bruegel's painting. 


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